Dealing With Common Barriers Faced By Tour Guides


Tour guide,
tourism language
communication strategies,

How to Cite

Xalikova, M. K. . (2020). Dealing With Common Barriers Faced By Tour Guides. International Scientific and Current Research Conferences, 1(1), 124–127. Retrieved from


Tourism as a phenomenon and also as a means of socio-economic good is becoming increasingly
important. Like any other product growth of tourism depends upon tourist satisfaction. Guides play
a vital role in bringing satisfaction to tourists visiting a country or region. While tour guides are
expected to assume roles of cultural ambassadors it is imperative that they get a supportive work
environment. This article discusses barriers like noise, accent, mispronunciation, beggars, code of
ethics and the ways to overcome them, also professional behaviour in terms of four essential
attributes, as well as common challenges faced by Uzbek tour-guides while they are working, after
all, draws the conclusion with the communication strategies used by tourist guide during the
communication with foreign tourist



Cohen, Erik. (1985). The tourist guide:

the origins, structure and dynamics of

a role. Annals of Tourism Research,

(1), -p. 5-29.

Pond, K. (1993). The professional

guide: Dynamics of tour guiding. New

York: John Wiley & Sons

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Mokhigul Khalimdjonovna Xalikova


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